HSE Policy

The management holds in high regard the safety welfare and health of its employees. We firmly believe that every employee is entitles to work under the safest possible conditions. All possible efforts will be made in the interest of accident prevention in all our works sites, workshops and projects. We do realize that it is a good business practice to guard against accidents and occupational diseases. Preventing accidents ad associated cost will permit us to be more competitive in the industry, thus helping to safeguard our business interest.

It is our belief that all accidents which injure people, damage machinery and destroy materials can be prevented by taking specific safety precautions. All employees in our Group of Companies are expected to perform their duties without compromising the safety guidelines issued from time to time. Accident prevention is primarily a line function and the safety personnel will work as a catalyst/ functional expert in advising the line staff to manage safety efficiently. They will audit the Company’s operations on a continuous basis to ensure whether the existing safety systems are adequate enough.

Safety requirements will be a part and parcel of all our systems and it shall be carefully planned and controlled in the day to day operations along with customer satisfaction, productivity, quality, cost control etc. Although all these factors have to be given equal weight age, safety of our employees will be given the first priority, when circumstances require us to decide between these factors.

We do realize that we have a responsibility not to endanger the environment due to any our operations and will do our best to preserve it to the possible extent.

We comply with all Statutory Authorities Health, Safety and Environmental regulations. 
